My Story

I'm Astrid, I grew up on Lake Constance as the second daughter of a middle-class family, not an academic household, which was always a problem for me later in my career because I attributed a flaw to myself. Luckily, I found a way to prove to myself that this didn't have to matter and luckily, I also had a lot of great people who always believed in me. 
Today I have been living and working in Munich, my absolute favourite city, for almost 30 years. I live here with my husband and my two cats ‘Gustl’ and ‘Leonora’, two very stubborn creatures that we got from animal welfare organisations and with whom we share a flat, where we provide board and lodging ;-). 
And when I'm not living in our flat share, I love travelling, the more adventures the better. I just love getting to know foreign cultures. My encounters with many other cultures on my travels, but also in my professional life, have certainly shaped me. It has fuelled my curiosity and my freedom, but more on that in a moment.....

My Values


I see everyone as an individual and I find nothing more boring than trying to fit in. Nevertheless, we all live in a community and isn't that what makes life so complicated sometimes? 
That's what ultimately led me to coaching. I want to make it possible for everyone to live their personality! Only then can strengths be fully realised and lead to success, whether professionally or privately. That's why I start every coaching session with an ‘inventory’. Who are you and how well do you know yourself and your values and strengths? This is often very revealing. Then we start the journey. Where it leads and how far it goes is of course up to you!


It has always been important to me to be free to organise my life and be the person I am. That was also the reason why I eventually swapped the small town for the adventure of the big city. Freedom is also about being able to realise myself. Be it with coaching, because that's what I want to do, or with my art. I can live out my freedom and creativity here. For me, freedom means that I can listen to my gut and it's this intuition that helps me in coaching, not to coach according to set procedures, but to listen to my coachee and intuitively ask the next question.


Always wanting to learn something new, always wanting to get to grips with something new, never ceasing to be inquisitive. Devouring one book after another and listening to podcasts or audio books in the car on the side, that's me. That is also the reason why I worked in the IT industry for so long, the industry that is never at the end of its development. Every year brought new inventions and for a non-techy like me, new challenges to understand these new technologies. So my hunger for new things, my curiosity, was never satisfied. For a few years now, I have been fascinated by psychology and the options that can be achieved with coaching, and today I dedicate myself entirely to these topics and learn about them every day.


What a ‘heavyweight’ of a word! I only found out exactly what this means for me individually and where my main focus lies through my personal coaching sessions over the last few years. However, I have to admit that there were already very loud ‘voices’ beforehand, from very different people who motivated me and were convinced that I should be doing ‘something with people’. How right they were, because now I have found my fulfilment. 

We all have our strengths. I've perfected mine so that you can focus on yours. Contact me and together we'll find out how I can best help you.

Why I coach?

In 2019, I had the opportunity to travel through India, where we stayed overnight in McLeod Ganj. This place is of particular significance as it is home to the Tibetan government in exile and the Dalai Lama resides there. It so happened that we were there at the same time as the Mind & Life Institute's annual dailogue with the Dalai Lama was taking place. The Institute aims to build a bridge between modern science and Buddhism. I was very inspired by the work of the Institute, especially that of Prof Richard Davidson. This motivated me to take a closer look at the subject of coaching. Coaching offers me the opportunity to help people lead a more fulfilling life.
What could be better?

Dates & Facts

Find out more about my certifications, memberships and my professional career here.


The most effective way to get to know a person is to meet them in person.