Individual Coaching
Why bother with career coaching at all?
There are different phases in your professional life where you will undoubtedly find yourself stuck. This naturally leads to questions such as:
Is what I'm doing actually making me happy? I spend so many hours in my job and somehow it doesn't fulfil me!
Now I've come this far, what's the next step? Do I even dare to take on the next higher position? Is it for me or would I rather stay where I am because it fulfils me?
How do I deal with the fact that I suddenly have to lead a team?
How do I act authentically as a leader?
How do I deal with conflicts in the workplace?
How does Career Coaching work?
We start with you, of course. Tell me where you are right now and what makes you who you are. We will use various tools for this. A personality test is a great way to identify your strengths. A personal balance sheet is also very helpful for gaining clarity, especially for yourself.
Other times, we start by identifying what is out of balance. This could be the impact of your immediate environment or a pending conflict with a colleague or boss.
Then we make a plan. There are also differences here. This can range from a very specific career plan to a complete reorganisation.
As you can see, the path to your goal is, of course, very individual.
Coaching Packages
- "Chemistry"-Session: 45 min, free of charge. We get to know each other and decide whether to enter into a coaching partnership.
- Timeframe: On average, a coaching process comprises around 6 sessions of 1 hour each, with a frequency of at least one session per month. If you have achieved your goals earlier, the coaching process will of course end earlier. We will observe together where you stand and I will address this at the end of the 3rd session and in the last session. Further sessions are of course possible and are entirely at your discretion.
- Languages: in German or English
- Location: either virtually via video conference or in person at your company (Munich area) or alternately
Book a "Chemistry"-Session
Arrange a free initial meeting, where we can get to know each other and see if the chemistry is right.
Then we'll discuss everything else.
"Happiness is not something ready made.
It comes from your own actions."
Dalai Lama