
I provide companies with interactive workshops that will help their employees to develop personally.
My workshops support your employees in their careers, whether virtual or face-to-face. 
We shed light on very topical issues, such as impostor syndrome, which is particularly prevalent among female employees and hinders their professional success or how to cope with change.

What are the benefits for you as a company?

Rarely is it calculated what it costs to recruit an employee, and even more rarely what it costs to lose an employee. Encouraging the personal growth of an employee is something that can set you apart as a company and give your employees real added value in staying with your organisation. 
 In return, you get motivated and loyal employees, which is one of the most important strategic success factors in today's world.

Workshop overview

Unleashing Team Potential

What makes for good teamwork? I'm sure we've all had the experience that some teams work better than others. Why is that? Is it perhaps because of how well we know the other team members?
My Team Building Workshop offers a hands-on experience designed to enhance team dynamics and performance.
This isn’t just about improving relationships; it’s about shaping a more cohesive, high-performing team culture. 

Change - How to cope with Change

In today's world, we are constantly exposed to change, unfortunately often without us providing the impetus for change. We are often confronted with it or surprised by it. In the constantly changing IT industry, I have experienced this quite often.
I can support you in dealing with this and emerging stronger from the change.
I offer a special version of this workshop for managers, as there is a lot of weight on their shoulders in times of change.

Career Planning

How do you write a good personal development plan with clear next steps in the short, medium and long term?
What role does the manager play in this and what role does the employee play?

Personal Brand 

‘Personal brand is what people say when you leave the room’ Jeff Bezos once said, and unfortunately he is right. However, the good news is, we can influence what people think about us when we are not in the room. But it's not about playing a brand, it's also about authenticity and how we get others to see us as we are. 


Self-doubt, self-anxiety and feeling like an imposter are familiar to many people, especially successful ones. One reason for this in many cases is that you feel out of place as a woman among men, for example, or as an introvert among many alpha animals. The feeling of ‘belonging’ is easier if the people around us are similar to us. 

Get in touch with me. We can discuss the details together.